Summer Solstice — the Longest Day of the Year

Welcome Summer! It’s a wonderful time to honor the sun and allow the warm embrace of nature to nourish your body with brightness and warmth. Here are some tips to flow with your inner strength balanced with ease entering this vibrant time of year.

1. Soak in Sweetness in the Present Moment

Nature is a beautiful reminder that change is good. With the longer, brighter days of summer, this is a good time to tap into your sense of adventure, confidence, and self-discovery.

In order to arrive anywhere new, be totally present where you are first. Soak in the sunshine, breathe into the fresh breeze, gaze at the clouds, pause to enjoy the sunset and wake up early to see the sunrise. Move through the day with gratitude.

2. Tap Into Your Inner Super Power to Fuel Your Passion

With warmer, brighter days, the sunshine sparks joy and vibrant energy. It’s also an ideal time to strike that perfect balance between fun, relaxation, and staying consistent on the things you care about.

3. Summer is the Mid-Way Mark of the Year and a Great Time to Do a “Check-In”

Pairing your summer goals with healthy habits is a great way to stay consistent and keeps your goals present in a daily routine. And making seasonal goals can help make your larger, long-term goals more attainable by breaking them down into bite-size pieces.

4. Ignite Your Inner Drive

There’s no time like summer to tap into your sense of adventure, confidence, and self-discovery! You do not want late August to roll around only to realize you totally missed your window of opportunity for summer fun and memory making. Don’t let that be you!

5. Summer Affirmations — Connect with Your Inner Super Power

Take on life challenges with great vitality and inner strength — you’ve got this!

I am exactly where I should be.

I allow myself time for play and fun.

I allow myself time for relaxation.

I welcome fresh opportunities.

I celebrate all of my wins and am ready for an amazing day!

Do you ever feel like you don’t have time for yoga and movement?

A short yoga practice is a great way to reset and balance the day. Align Your Flow has 10-minute yoga classes to build consistency into your day with an accessible yoga practice on demand, anytime.

With just 10-minutes a day, you can feel better in your body and mind.

I offer weekly 10-minute pre-recorded yoga classes in Align Your Flow with fresh themes and journal prompt/reflection each week to help you stay consistent with your yoga practice and take time for yourself.

What are you ready to flow into your life with a deep breath? You can let me know below in the comments.

Sending you love and light!

