Getting back-to-basics for better well-being starts with a deep breath.

With the upcoming birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, January 15th, I am reminded to pause and reflect about the hope and struggle for change for equality and well-being for all.

Martin Luther King reminds us to start the journey toward our goals, even if a way is not seen…

“Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” —Martin Luther King

Focusing on simple steps that can be made right now is the start of healthy habits for better well-being. When individuals feel better in body and mind, people can feel better as a collective whole. While everyone doesn’t feel great all of the time, by taking care of yourself first, there is more to share and give others.

There is great power in honoring yourself in the present moment.

Embrace the reality of current emotions, simply recognizing that what has arisen. The simplicity of pausing to “just be” brings freedom in path of daily well-being. This calm inner space is deep within, undisturbed by external storms. With an intentional pause, the storm flows by.

In the spirit of rest, recuperation, and renewal in the new year and beyond — let go of  typical “self-improvement” resolutions, they simply don’t last.

Try these mindful strategies for well-being:

•  Give yourself time to reflect on the year past and the next ahead.

•  Step off of the “hamster wheel” cycle of “doing”.

•  Set healthy boundaries.

•  Eat nourishing foods and hydrate.

•  Meet yourself where you are — practice self-acceptance.

•  Know that YOU are amazing!

Pause, breathe, and begin again.


✅  A yoga retreat is a self-care opportunity to nurture yourself, relax, refresh, and grow into fresh possibilities.

✅  A short yoga practice is a great way to reset and balance the day.  10-minute yoga classes bring consistency with calm into your day with an accessible yoga practice on demand, anytime. Fresh themes in each week of classes you can practice on your own time with journal prompt/reflections.

What are you ready to flow into your life with a deep breath? You can let me know below in the comments. 

Sending you love and light!

