September Shift = Summer expansion flows into Autumn grounding.

September marks the transition from summer into autumn and may be your cue to “shift gears”. This is a beautiful time to reflect on new intentions and prepare for the cooler months. These affirmations and reflections will help spark growth to flow into the next season with grounded intention.

The one constant we have in life is change, nothing ever stays the same. Movement and flow are part of everyday life and encourages fresh growth in body and mind. Connecting with the flow of change helps keep everything fresh!

Show up for yourself with a deep breath and flow into Fall with grounded intention. It’s up to you to live your life in the here and now. You are a new person each and every day, flowing with the seasons. With effort balanced with ease, you will always continue to flow and grow. Give yourself permission to reflect and refresh for the Autumn season.

September Affirmations

•  Change is part of the flow through every season in life.

•  I am growing into the best version of myself.

•  I welcome change and growth with new goals in the Autumn season.

•  I welcome abundance into the new season.

•  It’s okay to shift and grow with new intentions in the new season with a fresh mindset.

Reflections and Journal Prompts for Autumn

1. How do you feel about summer ending?

2. What are you looking forward to in the Autumn season? What are your Autumn aspirations?

3. How do you feel about the days becoming shorter with less daylight?

4.  What would you like to welcome into your life in Autumn?

5. What would you like to release from Summer moving into Autumn?


Do you ever feel like you don’t have time for yoga and movement?

A short yoga practice is a great way to reset and balance the day. Align Your Flow has 10-minute yoga classes to build consistency into your day with an accessible yoga practice on demand, anytime.

With just 10-minutes a day, you can feel better in your body and mind.

I offer weekly 10-minute pre-recorded yoga classes in Align Your Flow with fresh themes and journal prompt/reflection each week to help you stay consistent with your yoga practice and take time for yourself.

What are you ready to flow into your life with a deep breath? You can let me know below in the comments.

Sending you love and light!

